Channel Seven is last cab off the rank .........................
(too old to reply)
◙ Xa Ta Zac Xa Ta Amac ~ The Last 1200 days☻☺☻
2009-07-25 04:50:15 UTC
Come on Seven, you pathetic neanderthal philistine backward-thinking
slackasses .... ABC,SBS,TEN & Nine Networks
have beaten you to the post ~!!

Anyway, here's some more info and the logo for the new Channel 99 TV
channel called "GO !".






Go! (stylised as GO!) is an Australian free-to-air standard definition
digital television channel set to be launched by the Nine Network on 9
August 2009.
who is dat
2009-07-25 11:51:52 UTC
Post by ◙ Xa Ta Zac Xa Ta Amac ~ The Last 1200 days☻☺☻
Come on Seven, you pathetic neanderthal philistine backward-thinking
slackasses .... ABC,SBS,TEN & Nine Networks
have beaten you to the post ~!!
Beaten them to what? Lowering the HD resolution down from 1920x1080 and
lowering the bitrate on all channels so they are now more blurry and
blocky than ever before?
If it's a race as to which FTA can deteriorate their visual quality the
most then thankfully Seven have opted to come last!
Paul Dwerryhouse
2009-07-25 13:04:07 UTC
Post by who is dat
If it's a race as to which FTA can deteriorate their visual quality the
most then thankfully Seven have opted to come last!
All the visual quality in the world can't fix their crap programming. If
reducing the resolution is what it takes to get a bit of choice in programs,
then I'm all for it.
Paul Dwerryhouse | PGP Key ID: 0x6B91B584
who is dat
2009-07-26 14:46:00 UTC
Post by Paul Dwerryhouse
Post by who is dat
If it's a race as to which FTA can deteriorate their visual quality the
most then thankfully Seven have opted to come last!
All the visual quality in the world can't fix their crap programming. If
reducing the resolution is what it takes to get a bit of choice in programs,
then I'm all for it.
Go watch youtube then. You have millions of channels of crap visual
quality to choose from there.
Why bother with FTA when there is no advantage in viewing it any more?
2009-07-26 05:23:02 UTC
Paul Dwerryhouse thusly scribe the following highly informative and

All the visual quality in the world can't fix their crap programming.
reducing the resolution is what it takes to get a bit of choice in
then I'm all for it.

Paul Dwerryhouse | PGP Key ID:


Amen to that ~!

The more channels the merrier ~!!!


